8 tipe Yogasan name and benefits

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    Yogasan name and benefits

    Yogasan name and benefits


    Control Pranayamas the respiratory impulses, leading to stronger control-over autonomic nervous impulses. Breath of holding for a prolonged but comfortable period of time is an essential technique of pranayama. In the initial stages, the breath-holding phase is completely avoided and instead the controlled inhalation and exhalation is emphasized with a time ratio of 1:2. The exhalation phase is so controlled so that the corresponding inhalation phase is not affected
    Yogasan name and benefits

    Supine Asanas yoga

    Upright Sitting and supine extending positions help a sadhaka prepare physically and mentally for  pranayama. Some of them are, Baddhakonasana, Supta Baddhakonasana, Supta Padangusthanasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Simhasana, Virasana and so on.Supine yoga postures are done on your back and are a great way to end your yoga practice. Supine postures release stress, promote flexibility, and help to integrate your practice.
    Yogasan name and benefits

    Meditation Or Dhyana yoga

    This is the practice involving control over mental functions, which start from the initial withdrawal of the senses from external objects to the complete oblivion of the external environment. There are several techniques of meditation. It is a process of absorption in which the individual turns his attention to dwell upon a single object, sound, concept or experience. It-is generally a good idea to practice asanas and pranayamas first before embarking on meditation.
    Yogasan name and benefits

    Dharana yoga

    Increase Dharana the range of adaptability of the tissues forming various organs and systems and raise the threshold of their reactivity. Bring kriyas control on different reflexes and establish a psycho-physiological balance. Moodes of purification in the kriyas are air, water, friction and movement manipulation. The naso-pharyngeal, octocranial, gestro-oesophageal, ano-rectal and intestinal systems are purified by practicing kriyas. Usually They are classified into six divisions, namely Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli and Kapal bhati.
    Yogasan name and benefits

    Chandrasana yoga

    Chandrasana/Candra Namaskara helps you release all kind of stress, cure diseases, increasing unity system and making it strong, relieves from all kinds of joint pains. It is very useful and effective for Nerves system & Bones and also helps to get sound sleep at. Postures each of Chandrasana has different kind of reaction.
    Yogasan name and benefits
    Surya Namaskar

    Surya Namaskar yoga

    Surya Namaskar means greeting or bowing the sun. All usually sessions of Yoga asanas begin with the 'Surya Namaskar' or sun salutation. It nourishes and energizes the upper part of the body.The routine consists of 12 forward and backward bending movements that stretch and flex the spinal column. Not It’s that difficult to learn, and great for beginners who are looking to introduce themselves to yoga. Namaskar surya has a deep effect in detoxifying the organs through copious oxygenation and has a deeper relaxing effect.

    Vikram (Bikram) Yoga

    See style of Yoga done in a hot room that is 38 C or higher. Replicate to Because the temperature environment of Yoga's birthplace in INDIA. This style of focuses on 26 postures that are meant to be performed in particular order. The exercises are intense & very physical, which, when combined with HEAT, makes out for a tough workout.

    Karma Yoga

    Karma yoga is the yoga of action. It involves dedication of all work as an offering to God with no thought of personal gain. The karma yogi tries to help everyone -- humans, animals, plants, and the whole world by performing selfless action. This path of yoga can be practiced at all times when there is need. By: MovieMasala Car Games Free Download 
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